My Story

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to my page, and thank you for joining me on this journey. My name is Drew, and I'm honored to have the opportunity to share my passion for Tarot with you. For the past two decades, I've been immersed in the world of Tarot, exploring its depths and unlocking its mysteries.

My fascination with all things esoteric began at a young age, drawing me to ancient sites and ruins across the globe, from the mystical stones of Stonehenge to the enigmatic sands of Cairo. These unplanned excursions always left me with a profound sense of awe and wonder, sparking a lifelong curiosity about the hidden realms of existence.

Although my interest in Tarot blossomed in my late teens, I initially resisted its pull, opting for a more conventional path in pursuit of societal acceptance and financial stability. Looking back, I realize now that I simply wasn't ready to embrace its profound wisdom and insights.

It was only a decade later, during a period of intense self-study and exploration, that I rediscovered Tarot through the works of the legendary psychologist, Carl Jung. His masterpiece, the "RED BOOK," opened my eyes to the profound connection between psychology and symbolism, igniting a newfound appreciation for the power of Tarot as a tool for self-discovery and healing.

As I delved deeper into the study of Tarot, I began to recognize the intricate interplay between the subconscious mind and the symbolic language of the cards. Tarot, I realized, is a mirror reflecting the hidden truths and patterns of our psyche, offering profound insights into our personalities, relationships, and life's journey.

In my practice as a professional Tarot reader, I've witnessed the transformative impact of Tarot firsthand. Clients who have spent years in therapy often find clarity and relief in just one reading, experiencing a profound sense of healing and understanding. It's a privilege to witness the moment when confusion gives way to clarity, and wounds begin to heal.

My approach to Tarot goes beyond mere fortune-telling; it's a psycho-spiritual adventure, a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. From understanding personality types to navigating relationships, setting boundaries, and embracing healing, Tarot offers a roadmap for navigating life's complexities with grace and wisdom.

Whether you're embarking on your first Tarot reading or seeking deeper insights into your journey, I invite you to join me on this transformative adventure. Together, let's unlock the wisdom of the cards and embrace the magic of self-discovery.

Best wishes,
