Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is Tarot?

Exoteric tarot serves as a guiding light for those seeking answers to life's questions. It has been a trusted source of insight and direction for people throughout history, spanning from ancient civilizations to modern times. Central to tarot is its symbolic language, where each card represents a unique concept, archetype, or force, conveying universal significance and offering various interpretations.

2. How Does Tarot Help?

Tarot helps individuals by illuminating obscured aspects of their circumstances, leading to a deeper understanding necessary for informed decision-making about the future. By uncovering motives and intentions, both personal and external, tarot reveals the forces shaping one's life. This clarity goes beyond surface-level inquiries, delving into the deeper question of "why." While some view tarot readings as purely predictive or psychological, they actually encompass both aspects, providing a holistic perspective.

3. Does Tarot Give You A Clear Answer?

While clear answers from tarot readings may not always be immediate, they often emerge over time with reflection. Emotional biases and proximity to issues can cloud interpretations, but revisiting readings can offer fresh insights and perspectives. Occasionally, tarot readings deliver uncomfortable truths, prompting introspection and personal growth.

4. Can The Tarot Actually Predict The Future?

Yes, tarot has the capacity to predict the future with remarkable accuracy, although outcomes may be influenced by individual choices. Each decision made shapes one's future, allowing tarot to offer insights into potential paths ahead.

5. Some readers seem to predict the future, yet remark that nothing is set in stone...Why is this?

Some tarot readers believe in predictions while acknowledging the fluidity of the future. Tarot inherently contains predictive elements, yet it's important to distinguish between divination and fortune-telling. Divination involves communicating with higher powers to gain insights rather than foretelling fixed outcomes.

6. Is Tarot Evil?

Tarot itself is not inherently evil. Interpretations of its spiritual significance vary based on individual beliefs. While some may associate certain decks with negativity due to their creators' reputations, others find solace in decks infused with Christian symbolism. Ultimately, the interpretation of tarot's spiritual significance is subjective and influenced by personal perspectives and beliefs. Modern Tarot only use Rider Waite Tarot Decks due to their Christian symbology. It is a choice. I find these decks to be more inline with my morals and values.